cc sabitha

Award Winning Technology – Heatseeker Nova Inverter Heat Pump


Heatseeker Nova Inverter Heat Pump

Supreme Heating, 2015 SPASA Awards of Excellence winner, is proud to include the Heatseeker Nova inverter heat pump in it range. Chosen by an expert panel of judges from numerous awards entrants, the Heatseeker Nova inverter heat pump demonstrated the best savings of energy, being awarded Gold in the category of Sustainability.

SPASA Awards of Excellence

The award winning Heatseeker Nova is an inverter heat pump designed to efficiently and consistently heat your pool year-round, while using up to 30 per cent less electricity. The inverter heat pump heats your swimming pool water using the same principles of a reverse cycle air-conditioner that heats your home. The warmer it is, the better it works.

Heatseeker Nova’s unique and innovative DC inverter technology allows you to vary or modulate the speed of the compressor – much like a variable speed swimming pool pump. Outstanding electrical savings, super-quiet operation, and soft-start technology enhance the lifespan of the associated components. The use of the digital scroll technology optimises the output of the compressor, which ensures maximum power and electrical savings as the pool water heats up and maintains temperature.

The award winning Heatseeker Nova has also incorporated a spiral titanium heat exchanger to further enhance its efficiency. The enhanced performance and reduced electrical consumption creates opportunities to provide sustainable alternatives to traditional solar systems. Heatseeker Nova can utilise the free surplus electricity produced by the solar photovoltaic panels to reduce your running costs to zero, while maintaining your pool temperature during the warmer months. Best of all, the pre-tested systems are easy to install and operate.

Find out more about this breakthrough product and the future of heat pump technology.



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